I thought these were cute pictures of Brydee and her papa. My dad is cutting and trimming all the bushes so we can put up christmas lights. We are going to put them up next monday for family night! yay can you believe christmas is just around the corner?!

Me & baby william
Jeff told me i need to stop posting so many pictures of other peoples kids because people are going to get confused. haha oh well, I'd claim him.

Me and my sisters holding baby William. Heather asked me not to post this picture because she has no make-up on but she just had a baby for heaven sakes, she looks great.
So do you notice that there is a baby in the back of the truck? haha Jay Jay kept saying put the baby back their, put the baby in the back of the truck! because thats were beckham sits so i guess he just assumes the baby wants a ride too and wants to sit back there! haha kinda cute. (Someone is holding the baby though he isn't really back their just in case someone thought that) it sure did make Jay Jays day though.
Jay Jay kept yelling at papa, "look papa im killing the shark!" um.... Im not sure that is normal! :)

Seriously who gives a 2 year old a huge knife or saw or whatever it is. Jay Jay kept calling it his sword!