Yesterday we went to the park and it was such a beautiful day! (notice the tank top Bailee is wearing?) It was hot, funny thing is the high was 65 but it felt SOOO much hotter. I didn't think to put sun screen on cause its FEBRUARY but she didn't burn thank goodness!! I was going to post pictures of all the kids but decided to turn it into a Bailee post since I never did a 6 month update for her and now she is almost 7 months now!! She is growing up way too fast!!! I hate it I wish she would stay baby like for longer! She is JUST starting to eat well from a spoon and she can ALMOST sit up with out help. Its pretty sad cause my 2 older kids crawled so early and JJ walked at 8 months and Brydee 9 months. Bailee however can't even sit up by herself quite yet! I know why, my family gets after me everyday... they say I always hold her and I never put her down. Which is true. I DONT WANT HER TO GROW UP!! hahaha I'll get over it eventually. Its because she is such a good baby and so stinkin' cute!
She is ADORABLE!!! So sweet.
And I agree with the family, she should be sitting up by now!
Miss you guys!
She is BEAUTIFUL! You crack me up with your "I don't want her to grow up"! Cindy used to say the very same thing with Jill & Amy.
it's funny when you put a bow on her how much she can change from a jay jay to a bailee... haha.. I can't believe how much she looks like you and Brydee in these pictures though! she IS adorable.. I do good work! haha
She is so cute and i cannot believe she is that old. seriously. i miss seeing you guys around.
Oh my goodness, she is so cute! I miss her- and the rest of you too :)
she is adorable..... I just LOVE those pictures of her.... She couldn't be any cuter... Love you Bailee.... Amy Grandma
A perfect model. I want Heather to take pictures for me...and touch them up. Bailee's pictures should be framed.
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