Jay Jay picking grapes....
Jay Jay eating grapes...
They aren't quite ripe yet, they are still a little sour. HAHA doesn't stop him though, He loves them, he must have a tough stomach because when they are ripe he eats the whole plant, VINE and ALL! we try to stop him but he just keeps doing it.
Then Brydee came out and they posed for a few pictures LOVE this picture!
Jay Jay was worried Ditto was going to eat his grapes!
Still eating his grapes between posing... hence his sour face.
Still eating his grapes between posing... hence his sour face.
But we did get a few good ones. you tell them to "cheese it" and this is what you get!
Brydee is all ready (look at how sweet she looks!) but Jay Jay couldn't stop eating his grapees to take a picture!
Brydee fixing her hair, Jay Jay has grapes in hand.
Brydee fixing her hair, Jay Jay has grapes in hand.